Befooling of new college students banned in Khyber Agency

07:56 0 Comments

LANDIKOTAL, Khyber Agency: Political Tehsildar Irshad Khan has banned befooling of newly admitted students in Landikotal and Khyber government degree colleges.

The Tehsildar warned that anyone found in befooling the new students within our outside the college premises would be face heavy fine, besides being sent to lock-up. It may be mentioned that the Khyber Agency political administration has deputed Khasadar Force personnel around the colleges to curb befooling of new students by the old ones.

Befooling or 'ragging' has become somewhat of a norm in universities across Pakistan. Befooling or rather assailing with silly questions, ridicule or horseplay, which started in British universities, has also picked up in colleges and universities here.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google